LuxConnect and LuxProvide release their first joint CSR Report

We are excited to announce the release of our first Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report, created in partnership with our subsidiary, LuxProvide. This report marks a major milestone in our commitment to sustainability, transparency, and ethical business practices. You can read it here, on our website’s page dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibility. 

A deep-rooted commitment

Since its founding in 2006, LuxConnect, along with LuxProvide, has been dedicated to corporate social responsibility across economic, social, and environmental dimensions. As facilitators of Luxembourg’s ICT sector, we have always aimed to positively impact the community, economy, and environment. Our efforts include promoting fair labor practices, supporting local suppliers, and utilizing renewable energy sources to minimize our carbon footprint.

Reflecting on our CSR journey

Our formal CSR journey began in 2016, and we have continually expanded our efforts in this area. This year’s first joint CSR audit with LuxProvide highlighted our strengths in areas like energy management and data protection, while also identifying opportunities for improvement in health and safety and environmental preservation.

The publication of our first CSR report is a significant step in our ongoing effort to enhance transparency and accountability. This report serves as a comprehensive tool to document our CSR initiatives, track our progress, and set future goals. We are committed to publishing this report annually to foster continuous improvement.

Looking forward

Our next CSR certification is scheduled for October 2026, and we have set ambitious goals to further integrate CSR into our governance and engage more actively with stakeholders. Our aim is to create a more professional action plan with clear KPIs to better measure our progress.

Releasing this joint CSR report with LuxProvide is a significant milestone in our sustainability journey. It reinforces our dedication to transparency, highlights our achievements, and outlines our future commitments. At LuxConnect and LuxProvide, our CSR strategy is not just about words – it’s about taking meaningful actions to create a sustainable future.